Organisateurs d'événements à Port Jefferson
Port Jefferson, NY 11777, USA
We're, the team that invented the original Paint Nite back in...
Schneps Media
Schneps Media is the proud publisher and producer of 32 award-winning newsp...
Lucia Gabriela
Lucia Gabriela is the Founder of Nuna Holistic Retreat Center, The Tantric ...
Three Village Historical Society
Located in The Bayles-Swezy, two story farmhouse, built circa 1800 in Set...
Mt. Sinai Congregational, United Church of Christ
Visit our website for more information regarding ou...
Lipstick & Lollipops, LLC
Lipstick & Lollipops hosts SWEET-tacular Parties for girls ages 4 to 12! W...
Bluebox Theatre Company
Innovative live performances that are relevant to modern audiences. Providi...
Stony Brook Graduate Student Organization
The GSO is the graduate student government at Stony Brook University. The G...
SBU Weekend Life Council
The primary mission of the Weekend Life Council is to enhance Weekend Life ...
Ronjo's Magic & Costumes
Ronjo Party Store, Balloons, Costumes, Magic,Makeup, magicians, snow mach...
ICON Science Fiction Inc.
The Northeast's Largest Non Profit Convention of Science Fiction, Fact, & F...
Wardmelville Fishingclub
A BOE approved high school club consisting of roughly 50 students. We meet...
Northeast LGBT Conference (NELGBTC)
We envision and continually work to prepare LGBTQ+ and Allied student leade...