Organisateurs d'événements à Pireas

Pireas, Greece

5 km

Suite Musicale

Suite Musicale (X-The Q Club) Χώρος εκδηλ�...

Zempi Cafe Bar

Coffee, drinks and good music. The place you feel like home!

Yota Baron flamenco productions

We provide a wide range of Flamenco music and dance events together with ...

Beton 7 - Arts

Το BΕΤΟΝ7 είναι Κέντρο...

Plisskën Festival

A music festival about music and great live shows.


Saquella coffee, Frozen Yogurt, Ice Cream, Waffles, Drinks, Coctails and mo...

Berlin Raki

Located @ Athens city center GAZI area Berlin Raki offers a diverse menu o...

PassPort Art

Νέος πολυχώρος PassPort Art! 1...

Modern Life Seminars

Modern Life Seminarsist die Adresse für Trainings zu allen Facetten der mo...
