Event organizers in Lucija
6320 Lucija, Slovenia
Ocean lava Parenzana
OCEAN LAVA PARENZANA, CROATIA-SLOVENIA: 1.900 m swim, 90 km bike, 21 km run...
Å tudentski svet UP FTÅ Turistica
Matevž Koren - Predsednik ŠS (3. letnik UNI TUR) Kristina Bogataj - ...
LifeClass Portorose
Gli alberghi LifeClass Hotels & Spa di Portorose fanno parte della prima ca...
Kempinski Palace Portorož
Your royal treat on the shores of the Adriatic Sea, at the top of the Venet...
Coco Cafe - Portorož
Coco Cafe je prostor, kjer se zbirajo vsi, ki jih navdušuje glasba in sp...
Ambasada Gavioli
We create the moments that people live for. This is official page. Thanks ...
Novoletni SKOK V MORJE
Tradicionalni dogodek na Novega leta dan, ki ga enostavno ne smete zamuditi...
Portoroz & Piran
Sea, wind, roses and evergreen plants, relaxation and entertainment are jus...