The Majlis seeks to develop and nurture safe community spaces where people can learn and live Islam, based on the traditional sources of understanding the faith, while acknowledging the particular challenges of our context. Our efforts are focused around religious education, spiritual refinement, fellowship, and service.

1142: UPDATE command denied to user 'u426934960_worldeventz'@'localhost' for table `u426934960_worldeventz`.`place_eb`EventService : 1142: INSERT command denied to user 'u426934960_worldeventz'@'localhost' for table `u426934960_worldeventz`.`event_eb`1142: UPDATE command denied to user 'u426934960_worldeventz'@'localhost' for table `u426934960_worldeventz`.`place_eb`EventService : 1142: INSERT command denied to user 'u426934960_worldeventz'@'localhost' for table `u426934960_worldeventz`.`event_eb`1142: UPDATE command denied to user 'u426934960_worldeventz'@'localhost' for table `u426934960_worldeventz`.`place_eb`EventService : 1142: INSERT command denied to user 'u426934960_worldeventz'@'localhost' for table `u426934960_worldeventz`.`event_eb`

