I am a yoga practitioner and teacher, PGCE in Sport with a specialist focus on movement for running and runners. I have a yoga teaching practice at the Yoga Station Whitley Bay.
Over the 30 years of coaching and 15 years as a specific running coach, I have coached all types of runners (2000 and still counting), from performers to those just starting out. With a passion for knowledge I attend regular courses and workshops with a particular focus on Yoga and Anatomy (Carter, Kaminoff). I have coached all levels of runners from new/lost mojo runners to sub 15min 5K female runners and 1h 3 min half marathon male runners.
I also hold workshops across Scotland and the North East of England plus private group work and 1-2-1's. I also teach yoga for runners workshops either as a class or with clubs at the yoga station or .
Those listed here are the public workshops but please contact me for bespoke groups and 1-2-1's. I also can do distance coaching using ZOOM and video with voiceover.
I work with Mark Russell (Kridaka Yoga/ Lead teacher svastha.net) to offer joint yoga and running workshops plus Retreats in Scotland and Europe. These are either a weekend or a week of yoga/running/meditation in great surroundings. The centre for our Scottish workshops is Lendrick Lodge,
My one mantra that works for many is 'focus, alignment, stability and timing' FAST.
Nick 2023
'Move in stillness'
Hi Nick,
I thought I’d drop you a quick line to say thanks you for the running session. I tried the technique with a few training runs earlier in the week and put it into practice this morning at the Edinburgh parkrun 5k weekly run.
For a bit of background info, I’ve ran almost 300 parkrun’s over the past ten year at Edinburgh and to my amazement I got a personal best time this morning using the technique. There were periods where I lost my posture but was able to get it back. I’ll still need much more practice but my initial results are incredible. I also noticed via the heart rate information on my Garmin that my HR was on average 20 bpm lower this morning than a normal parkrun which i find to be pretty amazing.
"I felt I could run forever during this session. This was massive as I could hardly run at all with my back pain. The observational videos that you send are such as massive bonus. The gift of knowledge is the best gift anyone can give you and I feel I now know how to self assess my running....Thanks Nick"
Really enjoyed yoga Friday & hope there’ll be more! Slept so well after and woke up inspired, brushed my teeth did my yoga!Have booked onto your Peebles course’