Ean matriculated in 1978 and graduated 1989 from SAIT/UniSA with a Bachelor’s Degree in business administration (Marketing), and has qualifications in Direct Marketing (ADMA 94), Copy-Writing (AWARD School 93) and Vietnamese Language and Culture (TDHTH 97)
Ean has held positions with leading companies including IBM, REPCO, Faulding; and Advertising agencies DDB, Y&R/Mattingly, George Patterson-Bates (Melbourne) In 1996 he moved to Vietnam where he was GM of BBDO Advertising 96 – 97.
In 12/97 Ean completed a 2-week “Train the Trainer” course in “Lateral Thinking” & “Six Thinking Hats” at the now defunct "de Bono Institute"
From 98 to 02 he was an active trainer in Vietnam and Australia and trained over 1,000 people in “Six Hats” from leading organisations including IBM, Colgate-Palmolive, Australian Consulate General, Siemens, Unilever, ANZ Bank, Ernst & Young, McCann-Erickson, Cargill, Mobil, Castrol, RAAF, and more. He trained over 100 in Lateral Thinking.
Ean moved to Cambodia in 07 as G.M. at DG Advertising, then AdsCom Advertising (08-10). He also lectured Corporate Comms. at Raffles College and Marketing at Limkokwing University (11).
He restarted training in 12 as the first trainer in “Seven Thinking Caps’ with the Seventh Grey Cap for “Wisdom” as added by Dr. Michael Hewitt-Gleeson in 07 who created “Six Hats” in 83 in association with Edward de Bono..
In 19 Ean moved to Darwin and restarted training in 20 with NT Chamber of Commerce but Covid hit.
In Mar - Apr 23 Ean completed TAFE Certificate IV in Training and Assessment 40116 components:
TAESS00014 Enterprise Trainer Skill Set - BSBCMM401 Make a Presentation - TAEDEL301 Provide Work Skill Instruction and TAESS00015 Trainer and Assessor Skill Set - TAEDEL301 Provide work skill instruction - TAEASS401 Plan assessment activities and processes - TAEASS402 Assess competence -TAEASS403 Participate in assessment validation.
He is qualified to teach up to TAFE Cert 5 Diploma in Business.
Ean also trains Creative Thinking 2d, Presentation Skills 2d, Customer Service 1d & Time Management 1/2 d.
ABN 36 136 688 340